
Our Reports & Policies

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Annual Report

»ÆɫƬ F»ÆɫƬ College Annual Report 2022

PDF – 10 MB


»ÆɫƬ Standard Collection Notice

PDF – 0.3 MB

»ÆɫƬ Whistleblower Policy

PDF – 0.2 MB

Student Engagement and Behaviour Management

PDF – 0.4 MB

Complaints Policy

PDF – 0.2 MB

Keeping Our Children Safe

As a Catholic school in the F»ÆɫƬ tradition, we have a mission-driven, moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for children and young people and to protect them from all forms of abuse and neglect. We are steadfast in our resolve to honour this responsibility and promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children and young people.

The College has formalised a policy to respond to the new Ministerial Standard. The College Child Safe Policy is found below:

»ÆɫƬ Child Safe and Mandatory Reporting Policy 2023

PDF – 0.6 MB

Child Safe Code of Conduct

PDF – 0.2 MB

»ÆɫƬ Child Safe Reportable Conduct Policy

PDF – 0.2 MB

»ÆɫƬ Parent/Guardian – School Relationships Code of Conduct

PDF – 0.5 MB

»ÆɫƬ Managing Drugs in Schools Policy

PDF – 0.3 MB

Information relating to Catholic Education’s commitment to the new Ministerial Standards is also available on the .

Should any member of our College community, including visitors to our campus, have any queries in regard to the College policy or procedures, please make contact with either of the following personnel:

»ÆɫƬ F»ÆɫƬ College is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.

Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.

This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures. More information on MACS is available at .

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